Christ the King - St. Stephen Parish
See a sampling of our past social events.
Our first Bunco game - 2019
Farewell to Fr. Mark - 2018
Mardi Gras King & Queen 2017, Mardell & Francis
Progressive Dinner - 2016
Reno Snow Train - 2016
Auction prize - Soup Supper at the Langs - 2016
Lenten Soup Supper - 2016
2016 Mardi Gras King & Queen - Carl & Viola with Fifi
Capital Campaign Meeting with Bishop - 2015
Mardi Gras with Fifi - 2015
Mardi Gras with Fifi - 2014
Sock Hop Social with Fifi - 2012
Talent Show - 2005
Polynesian Christmas - 2005
Josephine's Hat Day, Corpus Christi Sunday - 2007
Sock Hop - 2013
Wine & Cheese - 2015
Appreciation Dinner - 2011
BBQ - 2011
St. Patrick's Day - 2012
End of Religious Ed school year
Enjoying our Outdoor Hall - 2001
Chautauqua XV - 2007
BBQ - 2004
Octoberfest - 2004
Farewell Fr. Timoney - 1997
Mexican Dinner - 2004
Pacific Island Dinner - 2010